[CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW 2014 TO7A.

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mymts.net
Fri May 8 14:34:15 EDT 2015

Steve's point is excellent.

What we don't see here, between the QSO Randy had with ZP0R on 14.047 and
LU9HP on 14.073, is the possibility Randy was tuning rapidly through his
own, self-generated (and therefore not assistance) bandmap of stations he's
already worked and knows he can avoid.

It doesn't show him using band-stacking registers or quick memories to store
stations to come back later to work.

A pattern of frequency agility is proof only of someone being adept at using
his radio to move around bands quickly. Now, a pattern of frequency shifts
that correlate closely with the pattern of spots on a cluster or through a
Skimmer certainly makes the case for cheating easier to make. But it would
have to be a pattern: one or two over 48 hours might just be an unfortunate

73, kelly

On 5/8/15 11:42 AM, "Steve IK4WMH" <ik4wmh at virgilio.it> wrote:

> Hello Richard,
> Friday, May 8, 2015, 4:27:52 PM, you wrote:
> RFDN> I have difficulty making a 30 KHz swing in two minutes on CW -
> RFDN> and hitting multipliers as the only QSOs.
> Take a look at the following small part of an old log from which I
> stripped the non relevant informations to keep it small:
> QSO: 14043  0125  CE3G
> QSO: 14033  0126  LT5X
> QSO:  7028  0126  K8PO
> QSO:  7028  0126  K2EP
> QSO:  7028  0127  K1HT
> QSO:  7028  0127  K5LH
> QSO:  7028  0128  IK3VUU
> QSO:  7028  0128  G3IAF
> QSO:  7028  0129  IZ1GJK
> QSO: 14047  0129  ZP0R
> QSO: 14073  0130  LU9HP
> QSO:  7028  0131  IK0TUM
> QSO:  7028  0132  S57CW
> QSO:  7028  0133  UR0IQ
> QSO: 14009  0134  LU1XS
> Here the 2nd radio moves up and down the 20m band with apparently no
> pattern as if the operator was just pointing-and-clicking.
> At least a couple of the 20m QSOs shown above were new multipliers
> including ZP0R which was worked on 14047 while the next QSO was logged
> just one minute later 26 KHz above.
> According to what you wrote it must be difficult to be able to work 2
> stations so spread out one from the other in just 1 minute.
> Is it enough to say that the operator cheated?
> Of course no, I bet there are a lot of contesters who operate without
> assistance and submit logs that have a similar pattern.
> I don't know if Dimitri cheated or not, maybe there are other
> undisclosed informations that led to TO7A being DQ.
> What I am saying is the evidences that can lead to DQ for "Unclaimed
> Assistance" should be much more solid than the ones discussed here so
> far.
> Oh, by the way, the log from which the above QSOs are taken comes from
> the CQ WW CW 2009 and belongs to Randy K5ZD.
> Steve IK4WMH
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