[CQ-Contest] Contest PCs

Tom Osborne w7why at frontier.com
Fri May 8 19:35:49 EDT 2015

I have an Optiplex 755 that I got from a guy on eBay for $115. The guys 
user name is 'computerbase'.  Not affiliated, just a happy customer.   
It's a dual core, 2.8mhz with 2 gig ram and W7.  Use if for CW, SSB, and 
RTTY.    Been really happy with it.  73

On 5/8/2015 2:16 PM, aa6dx at arrl.net wrote:
> HI .. I have two of the `puters like Gerry has, got them on sale @ 
> Newegg for less than $80 per... With Windows 7 Pro!  Can't hardly get 
> the OS for that price!  They work swell, no RFI probs.  I did add DVD 
> burners, as they come with readers.  $14 each.  Video not great, but 
> for what I use them for .. perfect!
> Worky worky!  73  Mark ..AA6DX

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