[CQ-Contest] TO7A Comments, Data and Log Checking

Scott Johns scottw3tx at verizon.net
Sat May 9 22:09:09 EDT 2015

If we want young people to become new contesters, or middle age people
just finding the hobby to become new contester, then it would seem prudent
that situations like these remain confidential between the involved party
and the contest committee rather than having a dead horse beaten
repeatedly in the town square. No parent of an aspiring contester would
want their young adult distracted by the politics on display the past few
days. This is a hobbyŠit's supposed to be fun.

The technology exists for high level stations, aiming to score in the top
ten, to have required on-site telemetry units provided and owned by the
contest committee. The units would be the property of the contest
committee and would collect data to support the station's entry category.
Thus every aspiring top ten station would be subject to the same level of
oversight as his/her competitor, rather than one competitor being
questioned having a higher level of scrutiny than his/her colleagues.

73, Scott W3TX 

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