[CQ-Contest] Assisted vs Unassisted

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Sun May 10 15:57:52 EDT 2015

Why do people cheat?  I guess we need a psychologist or some other fancy 
doctor to tell us.

Why do people cheat in computer games?  It is rampant.  I just don't get 

Mike W0MU

On 5/10/2015 9:14 AM, Zack Widup wrote:
> I would guess that most of the little pistols don't cheat. If so, I'd
> like to know why. I have no thoughts of winning anything from my home
> station. I do it for fun.
> In the ARRL DX CW contest this year I only used packet to find the
> frequencies of the Z81 station because it was an all-time new DXCC
> country for me. The rest were all S&P QSO's. I still entered as
> "Assisted." And in the recent VHF Sprints, the rules specify QRP as
> less than 5 watts. More than that puts you in the Low Power class. My
> portable stations are set up for the ARRL rules for VHF contests,
> which specify 10 watts as the limit for a QRP entry. So even though I
> was running 8 or 9 watts on most VHF+ bands, I entered as Low Power.
> And I still had fun!
> 73, Zack W9SZ
> On 5/9/15, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote:
>> There is virtually no way to know who is getting spots and from where.
>> There will never be a system requiring and login and password and even
>> if there was, there would be a 100 different ways to get around it.
>> You can be smart about working spots if you are cheating.
>> Why don't we just open the barn door completely and have a Single OP
>> category.
>> There appears to be way too many ways to game the game as it is.
>> Is there much integrity left in contesting?
>> Mike W0MU
>> On 5/8/2015 9:28 PM, Jeff Clarke wrote:
>>> Since people aren't playing by the rules maybe CQ should get tough and
>>> consider changing the single operator unassisted transmitter class to
>>> something similar to rule 3.4.4 that is used for ARRL DX :
>>> http://www.arrl.org/arrl-dx
>>> I know this would be very unpopular to those who like to do SO2R. Note I'm
>>> not anti-SO2R because I do it myself.  Maybe even consider changing
>>> assisted to only work multipliers on the 2nd radio, similar to the current
>>> multi-single rules for CQWW. That would allow some type of SO2R for those
>>> who like operating a contest that way.
>>> On a positive side it would probably eliminate any question whether
>>> someone claiming single-op is really operating in that category. By
>>> looking at a log for someone doing dual CQ's you really can't prove one
>>> operator is doing all the operating anyway. Plus it would be easier to
>>> figure out if someone is cheating by using a spotting network because a
>>> lot of the multipliers would be worked when doing a band change. It would
>>> be easy to compare those QSO to the archives of the spots during a
>>> contest.
>>> It would probably make the log checkers job easier as there is probably a
>>> lot of effort being expended in identifying cheaters.
>>> Jeff
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