[CQ-Contest] TO7A Debacle - A few Questions

halken halken at comcast.net
Mon May 18 14:38:26 EDT 2015

With due respect to the two gentlemen who have suggest we have beat this 
one to death and it's time to move on, I'd like to comment (for the 
first time) and pose a question or two.
- I agree with Dave, K8CC, and others...the decision of the CQWW 
committee is final and there is no mud left to drag Dim through, we have 
used it all up.
- But, having read it all, I have not seen much consensus about what to 
do going forward.

- What do you have to do to get banned for life?
- Will ARRL and CQ, and let's throw in DARC, and JARL while we are at 
it...will they respect each others' decisions?  If you are banned from 
CQWW for 3 years, can we get ARRL to ban the same operator from ARRL DX 
for three years?  Why not?  If this is not straightforward, perhaps 
WWROF can play a "clearing house" role?

CQ instituted red and yellow cards in 2009 - a great step forward IMHO.  
A yellow makes you ineligible for an award in that contest. Two yellows 
get you suspended for 2 years.  A red gets you suspended for one year; 
two reds gets you suspended for three years. "Suspended" is defined as 
"not eligible for an award."  Can we get all the major contest sponsors 
to issue cards and honor each others'?   Are the penalties too lenient?  
I know an op who routinely cheats.  Power and packet.  He has been 
forced to move from SO to SO(A) at least once, and DQ'd at least once.  
He still cheats every time out.  It seems to me nothing short of five 
years off from EVERY contest will get his attention.

I have my own little personal contribution to defeating cheating.  I 
keep a post-it note on my monitor - it had exactly five callsigns on it, 
now it has six.  This is the "NEVER work this station" list.  My list is 
"good for life."  Once on it, you can't get off, ever.  If everyone had 
a similar post-it note, think how fast this problem might melt away...

Hal N4GG
(see my article on this - NCJ, Sept, 2011)

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