[CQ-Contest] Leading zeroes

Michael Adams mda at n1en.org
Thu May 21 13:07:30 EDT 2015

One quick observation:  Speaking from past experience, when I've jumped in mid-way/late in a contest with a serial number exchange, I have received fewer "?" responses when sending leading T's than when sending just a one- or two-digit number.

I think it goes along with the common-sense rule: send what the other side expects to receive.   If they're expecting a three-digit number (because just about everybody is past 100), send a three digit number.

Michael Adams | N1EN | mda at n1en.org

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May, 2015 14:22
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Leading zeroes

Personally I usually do not send leading zeros. I like contests (especially serials in sweepstakes, or serials in sprints) where nobody sends leading zeroes.

I do understand that in a pure serial number exchange, some folks will turnaround faster if I send them TT5 rather than just 5. If I just send a 5, they might hang there a bit waiting for other digits that never come.

I have made the oopsies of having someone send me a 4 digit serial but my mind keys off "all serials are 3 digits" and I turn it around right after the 3rd digit and clobber the last digit :-). That's very embarrasing because I just wasted both of our time needing a fill on a very long serial.

But what I like best of all, is when I blow past 100 in way under an hour and don't have to think about it again for the rest of the contest :-).

Tim N3QE

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