[CQ-Contest] Proposed rules changes

Herbert Schoenbohm herbert.schoenbohm at gmail.com
Thu May 21 15:48:10 EDT 2015

I remember when Chip Margelli, K7JA visited me in the Virgin Islands 
bringing along his FT-101EE. Using my call running 100 watts Chip won 
first place in both ARRL Phone and CW
sweepstakes the same year.  This was a feat never ever accomplished 
before.   He won with a good combination of circumstances, great op, 
great location, and then a rare multiplier.  Chip used paper logs, paper 
dupe sheets, and good antennas from my shack out on a peninsula with the 
ocean 50'  below a cliff where the beams were on a tower.  Everything 
helped Chip out but not as much as his determination to get the job done.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 5/21/2015 1:00 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Wed,5/20/2015 12:54 PM, Mike Ritz, W7VO wrote:
>> Top scorers are required to submit logs with accurate frequencies." 
>> is not warranted, and is an an undue burden to those of us that like 
>> to dust off the "C" line or some other piece of vintage gear to do 
>> some serious contesting!
> Let's be realistic. Those dusting off the old "C" line are unlikely to 
> be a top scorer. :)
> 73, Jim K9YC
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