[CQ-Contest] Proposed rule changes

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri May 22 15:52:09 EDT 2015

On 05/22/2015 11:04 AM, Dennis McAlpine wrote:

> 3)       Changing of log after a QSO is completed - I fear this restriction
> is overkill.  To require a recording of the contest but then saying you
> can't use it to correct a log seems a bit ridiculous.  This assumes that
> someone                 (certainly not me) is devoted enough to go back and
> listen to the whole log just to pick up a few changes.  But, this is an
> extreme case.  What about realizing that the guy who sent you "V44HS" meant
> to send "V44HH" but you don't pick up the error until you have worked V44HH,
> not V44HS, on three other bands.  Is it cheating to make that change "after
> the QSO is completed"?  What about the fat fingered typo that you don't see
> until you print out a list of QSOs and see that V44HHH is really V44HH?
> What about the case where the op on the mult rig yells out "That was V44HH,
> not V44HS" but you have just hit Enter?  How much log massaging can one do
> in the time allowed being the end of the contest and log submission?  Don't
> we allow the use of SuperCheckPartial before the QSO is completed?  What if
> one's PC is slow and you don't get the answer until after hitting enter?
> Why not just prohibit "extensive" log editing and leave the definition up to
> the committee?

Rule IX, 10. would not allow you to change that V44HS QSO to V44HH 
later. This is not a new rule.

"Call signs logged must be the same as those exchanged over the air by 
the entrants during the QSO."

Steve, N2IC

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