[CQ-Contest] Proposed rule changes

Dick Green WC1M wc1m73 at gmail.com
Sat May 23 17:01:06 EDT 2015

No, look at the revised draft again. The phrase “of confirming QSOs” has been stricken in the new version. It now reads just “other methods”. This wording prevents any editing whatsoever after the QSO has ended (and the “end” hasn’t been defined, either!) You can’t correct typos at any time after the end of the QSO, either during or after the contest.


I would suggest that even the wording “other methods of confirming QSOs” is too vague. SCP is another method. Using your memory to confirm a callsign is another method (e.g., I read the NG3K list before the contest and use my recall of that to correct a callsign.) Because of this, it’s not clear to me whether the previous wording, which was targeted at editing after the contest, was intended to prohibit correcting typos (so long as the log matched what was sent and received, of course.) Some have argued that any correction to the log after the contest constitutes an extension of operating time, and therefore should not be allowed.


Personally, I believe if you combine these elements, you get the right rules:


1.       What is logged must match what is sent and received

2.       Unassisted operators cannot use sources of information prohibited for that category to correct log entries

3.       Absolutely no editing of the log after the contest is over or the claimed number of operating hours has been reached


73, Dick WC1M


From: Jeff Stai [mailto:wk6i.jeff at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:33 PM
To: wc1m73 at gmail.com
Cc: Dennis McAlpine; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Proposed rule changes


No, I'm sorry. It says "other methods of confirming QSOs" NOT "other methods". Here:


1. I type in everything and hit enter

2. One nanosecond later I notice something is wrong.

3. I do what I need to do to transmit a correction if necessary (not always necessary), to meet the log what you transmit rule.

4. Because I am in a run, and messing with the editing in my logger takes me away from the run, I scribble the correction on a notepad I keep for the purpose.

5. After the contest I edit in all the scribbled corrections.


There is nothing in this process that exhibits an "other method of confirming the QSO". 73 jeff wk6i




On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Dick Green WC1M <wc1m73 at gmail.com <mailto:wc1m73 at gmail.com> > wrote:

> Here is the proposed wording:
>  Correction of logged call signs and exchanges after a QSO is complete – by
> using use of any database, recordings, email or other methods of confirming
> QSOs – is not allowed.
> I don't see how that prohibits post-contest correction of typos and the like.
> 73 jeff wk6i

Because "other methods" is so broad as to prevent you from looking at a call, realizing you got it wrong (say, based on experience or a list of active calls you saw before the contest) and changing it. Even a nanosecond after you hit Enter.

 As worded, the change prohibits any editing of the log. The additional rule under Logging also prohibits most editing of the log, but it's more rational: what you log must match what you sent and received. This allows you to correct typos, provided the log matches what was sent and received (as, for example, recorded by you or the committee.)

But the new wording in IX.9 eliminates the ability to correct typos, resulting in a potential penalty for busted copy and/or breaking the logging rule. In my opinion, there's no need for this change because the "log must match what was sent and received" standard is the correct one, and the previous wording of IX.9 prohibited any alteration of the log after the contest. If you sent and received everything correctly, but made a typo in your log, you could correct it during the contest in order to comply with the logging rule.

73, Dick WC1M



Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com <mailto:wk6i.jeff at gmail.com> 
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