[CQ-Contest] DX Contest scoring schemes

Barry w2up at comcast.net
Fri May 29 13:37:38 EDT 2015


I don't know if you've ever lived on the east coast, but I have, for 
most of my hamming career.  Now I reside in Colorado on about the same 
longitude as N2IC in NM.

Even if you're louder being on a ridge, there's nothing you can do about:
1.  the opening to EU being 2+ hours shorter
2.  working Russia on 10m (and 15m as the sunspots decline) is very 
difficult because UA sunset is about 30 minutes before CO/NM sunrise
3.  and so on

Barry W2UP

On 5/29/2015 10:42, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Thu,5/28/2015 7:21 PM, Steve London wrote:
>> 1500 miles. That's really funny, Jim. And has no factual basis, of 
>> course.
> Have you run HFTA for your QTH?  I've run it extensively, and it 
> clearly shows 6-10 dB advantages to certain terrain.  6 dB is 4X the 
> power; 10 dB is 10x the power. Apply inverse square law, and it can 
> have the effect of moving you that much closer.
>> Every contest, my good contesting friends in central Texas, a mere 
>> 600 miles east of me, trounce me to Europe on every band. 
> And from what I've seen, some of them have stacks on the higher 
> bands.  As does N6RO.
>> And no, the bands do not open any earlier to Europe for me. I have to 
>> wait for the sun to rise or set, just like everyone else. 
> K6XX is three miles from me, but on the peak of a ridge I shoot over 
> to EU. The higher bands DO open an hour so early, and stay open an 
> hour or so later, to EU. And he works guys in JA that I don't hear.
> I've run FD QRP twice from a 5,000 ft peak east of Monterey, CA. It is 
> VERY diffferent from operating at home, which I have also done FD QRP 
> twice. On that peak, I could run for at least half of the time, and 
> had a 70 hour at the end, and I made almost twice the number of Qs.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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