[CQ-Contest] Distance-Based Ranking

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 18:15:36 EST 2015

Distance-based scoring really won't work for bands on which there is a 
skip zone.  This is pretty well understood and precludes using it for 
bands from 40 through 6 meters.  And you have to account for EME on the 
VHF/UHF/Microwave bands, too!

What I think is more likely to "work" (meaning satisfy the need for 
identifying and competing with a peer group) is distance-based *ranking* 
which compares one's scores to those from stations in the same category 
and region.  I would compete under this type of comparison with stations 
in the Midwest, K9YC with stations on the West Coast, and N1UR with 
stations in the Northeast US, for example.

I devised (with the help of K3NA) such a system about 20 years ago but 
the data and Internet mechanics were not yet available to implement it.  
See the May 1995 issue of NCJ for the system description.  Basically, a 
region is identified for each contest based on how the sponsors divide 
the geography.  You collect scores from the 10 closest stations in your 
region and category, then prorate your score against those.  Many 
variations of ranking are possible - by contest, by type of contest (DX 
or domestic), by category, etc.  Many of the geographic inequities drop 
out in this type of regional comparison.  No changes in scoring would be 
required from any sponsor which is a requirement.

Simple matter of programming, folks.  Have at it :-)

73, Ward N0AX

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