[CQ-Contest] Distance-Based Ranking

Yuri Blanarovich k3bu at optimum.net
Wed Nov 11 21:49:41 EST 2015

Just for the record.
Waaay back I was also not very happy with the scoring systems and 
inequality and bias with major contests.
After I was told "to come up with better contest" - I did some 
thinking, and tried to come up with THE CONTEST that is more fair, and I 
named it after genius who gave us radio - Nikola Tesla.

See the historical web site   http://www.teslaradio.org/Tesla_cup.htm
and links on the bottom.

I tried to publicize it in Dayton, only to find posters to be torn down.
I tried to get YCCC, FRC, CQ Magazine, YU clubs to cosponsor or support 
- naaaah!
It is amusing now to see all the speculations, while there it was, but 
refused by the "authorities"

So here it is free for taking it, I am retiring from rentastations 
contesting and spending time with grand kids.

Oh, and for WRTC I suggested category of "Suitcase Station" where 
contestants will compete with own stations, all that fits in carry-on 
suitcase. (No power limit, just weight of 60 lbs.) Challenge to design 
and operate, real test of Boy and his radio. Qualifying runs done on 
continents, winners go to big one.

73 and GL!

Yuri, K3BU, VE3BMV, VE1BY, etc.

 On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 03:16 PM, Matt Murphy wrote:
 > I propose something like the following approach to calculating QSO 
> 1) One point for every grid square traversed by the signal (the 
> shortest
> path between the two stations).
> 2) Add a point for each of the above grids that are at least 80% 
> covered by
> land.
> 3) Square the result.
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 12:51 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>> On Tue,11/10/2015 3:15 PM, Ward Silver wrote:
>>> Distance-based scoring really won't work for bands on which there is 
>>> a
>>> skip zone.
>> Horse-pucky!  Scoring rules determine who wants to work whom. For 
>> stations
>> in Zones 3, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30 to have fun in a DX contest, there 
>> must be a
>> real desire for other stations to work them. Those zones are remote 
>> from
>> population centers, and for the most part, there's only 2-3 countries 
>> in a
>> zone. VK is a continent larger than EU, yet only one country 
>> multiplier and
>> two zone mults. EU is much smaller than South America, but EU has 5X 
>> the
>> country multipliers.
>> Distances DO matter on bands with skip zones. I cited examples in an
>> earlier post. Stations and power being equal, I can work a LOT more 
>> mults
>> on more bands in IARU, CQ, and ARRL DX contests from W1 than I can 
>> from W6.
>> We need FAR more than "ranking" by zone or geographical area. We need 
>> a
>> system where an operator in all but the most remote parts of the 
>> world is
>> at least in the same contest with those in the Atlantic basin, and 
>> where
>> his final score is determined by comparison with his geographic 
>> peers. It
>> IS possible to design scoring rules that achieve this. It's like the 
>> US
>> Congress -- we simply need the WILL to do it.
>> 73, Jim K9YC
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