[CQ-Contest] Club Scores and Old Farts radius

Kennan Low kenke3x at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 12:12:36 EST 2015

K4BAI wrote:

"Remote into your old club zone may not be permitted in all contests.
Some contests require that you live in and operate within the circle.
So, check the rules for the contests you are interested in.

If you don't have that rule, it would be very difficult for the club
secretary to submit a list of eligible members within the circle.  In
fact, I'd think it would be impossible.  73, JOhn, K4BAI."

Thanks John.   What I meant was remoting in is permitted if your primary
station is still within the circle, for example if you're vacationing in
Florida, etc.  Once you move your primary station elsewhere you gotta
change club affiliation to a club within your new circle.


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