[CQ-Contest] That sinking feeling

Charles Harpole hs0zcw at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 20:57:33 EST 2015

In line with the current DXpeditions' draconian rules about "abusers"....
and DXpedition ops and contest ops are both involved..............give me
that sinking feeling:

-I live where NO ONE ever calls a directional CQ;  do I just call anyway or
just never get to work the entity/mult.?

-Many ops are too fast in giving my long call sign or do it only once
(often under QRM) and are gone before I can be positive he worked ME.   Do
I call again to be honestly sure or do I just get banned from a QSL maybe?
I like RTTY ops who repeat your call sign twice!

-Being sure you have offenders is not an exact science because of condx,
malicious fake call-ins, honest misunderstandings, and so on-- making a DX
omniscient judge and jury--not possible on radio.

Dont worry, as HS0ZCW, I will never punish anyone by denial of at QSL;  I
may chide you on the air, but can never be so smart/sure to justify
draconian methods.

Charly, HS0ZCW

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