[CQ-Contest] Contesting and Health

Joe nss at mwt.net
Sun Nov 22 13:37:27 EST 2015

My first thought of a health issue from contesting, wasn't so much a 
heart attack, well sorts but the possibility of getting a DVT
 From sitting for such a long time the BIC thing. It happens a lot on 
long plane flights for the same reason sitting in the chair for hours.

The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 11/22/2015 11:45 AM, Peter Chamalian wrote:
> I would like to add one more thought.  While the thought of going through
> the medical checkups might be a tad scary, just think how scary it is to
> have pains in your chest and being in an ambulance in route to the ER (that
> was me in 2012).  I won't even begin to tell you the impact all this can
> have on your better half...
> Pete, W1RM
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> Peter Chamalian
> Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2015 10:29 AM
> To: 'Contesting Reflector' <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contesting and Health
> It's always sad when we learn of the passing of a contester.  One of the bad
> aspects of our hobby is we tend to sit all the time and our diet (at least
> during contesting at least) isn't always the best.
> As one who is intimately familiar with heart trouble (2 mild heart attacks,
> 9 stents and triple bypass) I urge all contesters to pay attention to their
> health.  Heart disease, as my cardiologist told me, is one of the things to
> have because there is so much that's known about how to treat it.
> I would urge everyone who has not had a checkup to get one.  If you are
> showing any signs of heart problems (shortness of breath, high blood
> pressure, high bad cholesterol, high triglycerides, etc.) to find a good
> cardiologist and get a checkup.  It's better to be on the book with one now
> rather than meet him or her as you come into the emergency room (as I did).
> In my own case, I've had the bad fortune to require some heart procedure
> every year since 2012!  But the good news is I am still here, my heart is
> strong and I have a good cardiology team that is always looking out for me
> and ways to keep me out of the hospital!
> Pete, W1RM
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