[CQ-Contest] Revised Super Check Partial release schedule

Stu Phillips stu at k6tu.net
Mon Nov 23 16:21:44 EST 2015


There will be a release of Super Check Partial made this Wednesday November 25th as a just-in-time release for this coming weekend’s CQ WW contest – has was done before the phone event back in October.

This release will contain any updates I receive by NOON PST on November 25th.  Notice of the release will be sent to the same email lists as this email

Please send requests for updates to

logs at supercheckpartial.com

and do NOT attach a log to the request message otherwise the log (and the email) will get processed by the email robot and I will not see your request.

I also plan on issuing the regular monthly release of Super Check Partial on December 3rd.  So please remember to submit your logs to Super Check Partial  after the contests you enter.

The regular SCP Logs wanted message will go out later this week.

Stu K6TU

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