[CQ-Contest] Online QSL Sites

Pete Rimmel N8PR n8pr at bellsouth.net
Tue Nov 24 17:37:21 EST 2015

Check out the web site at UX5UO:


I have received very good service at excellent prices.

You can send in your own design or have him use a stock design, all on his 
web site.

1 sided or 2 sided, buff or glossy paper.

shipping is included in any quote, and prices are better than every US 
printer I checked for several DX operations

73   PeteR  N8PR, C6AHR, ZF2EM and others...

-----Original Message----- 
From: Timothy A. Holmes
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 8:48 AM
To: CQ-contest at contesting.com ; 'William J Squires' ; 'Al' ; 'Axel' ; 'Bob 
N8BSW' ; 'Bob' ; 'Brian' ; 'Dale' ; 'Dave M.' ; 'Dave-K8YQL' ; 'Dave-WV8P' ; 
'David' ; 'Dick' ; 'Don' ; 'Don Brown' ; 'Dwaine' ; 'Egon' ; 'Frank' ; 
'Franklyn' ; 'Gary' ; 'George' ; 'Hal' ; 'Heinz' ; 'joem' ; 'John' ; 'JohnB' 
; 'JohnD' ; 'karl' ; 'kd8rb' ; 'Ken' ; 'Kevin' ; 'KI8IF' ; 'Larry' ; 'Leon' 
; 'Mark K8PY' ; 'Mark NB8I' ; 'Marty' ; 'Metro' ; 'Norm' ; 'Paul' ; 'Pete 
Rimmel' ; 'Richard' ; 'Stan' ; 'Stephen' ; 'Steve OLH' ; 'Ted' ; 'Teodor' ; 
'Tom' ; 'Vesselin' ; 'Vicki' ; Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW)
Subject: Online QSL Sites

Morning Guys:

For various reasons, which I wont go into here, I am unable currently to
use LOTW, so I am looking for other online qsl sites to use to try to
get as many of my calls confirmed as possible -- Of course eQSL.cc is
out there and I'll be using them (ive got a 1700+ qso list ready to go
to them later today hopefully), but can you suggest other sites to use?

I'll have a few more questions posting as well


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