[CQ-Contest] Contesting and Health

Jeffrey Embry jeffrey.embry at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 12:23:40 EST 2015

I tend to agree with Steve.  Although it isn't 100% I do believe that BMI
is over-rated.  After my last physical (I'm 57), my doctor is telling me
that better indicators are resting heart rate and SPO2 (an estimate of
arterial oxygen saturation).  I measure my resting heart rate using the
Fitbit Surge and the SPO2 with the Vibe Precision Pulse Oximeter (available
on Amazon for about $30).

At 57, I am feeling better overall than I did when I was 40 and my BMI is
roughly 20% (5'4" and 166 lbs).  During contesting, I try to stand at least
5 minutes per hour....and unless there is a run, it is important to me to
walk for at least 5-10 per hour.  If there is a decent run, I wait till the
turnover to the next op and get about 30 minutes in before resting.  I also
try to avoid sodas and stick with water during contests.

At my age, I have gotten to where if I need to sleep, I sleep.  The contest
will always be there...my health may not be, so I try and maintain the
health side.

Anyway....I plan on have some fun this weekend and hope everyone else does



On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 10:28 AM, <steve.root at culligan4water.com> wrote:

> BMI is over rated. At the age of 60 I'm 6 foot tall and 210 pounds which
> works out to a BMI of 28.4. I work in a warehouse and spend the whole day
> on my feet hauling around 80# bags of salt and 5 gallon bottles of water.
> I'm in better shape now that I was 30 years ago, even though my BMI is
> higher.
> My suggestion is to walk. Humans are built to walk, it's something we do
> well.
> 73 Steve K0SR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Tippett [mailto:btippett at alum.mit.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2015 06:54 AM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contesting and Health
> >As a group, we've become a bunch of old fat guys who don't get enough
> exercise,and far too many of us can be seen being wheeled around the aisles
> ofhamfests on "mobility scooters."It truly breaks my heart so see so many
> friends heading for an earlier thannecessary grave. Think about this:
> "There Are Old People and Fat People,But Few Old Fat People"
> https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2008/08/there-are-old-people-and-fat-people-but-few-old-fat-people.phpBut
> you're not fat? If your Body Mass Index is >25, you're officiallyoverweight
> and classified as obese if >30:
> http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htmWe're
> literally eating and lounging ourselves into an early grave orensuring a
> poor quality of life in later years than necessary. So many ofour nation's
> chronic health problems (e.g. heart disease, diabetes, jointpain, etc)
> could be prevented by simple changes in our exercise and eatinghabits, as
> simple as briskly walking 20 minutes a day and eliminati
>  ngsugar/carbs from our diets (and BTW diet colas are NOT good for you).As
> we give thanks to God today for our health, let's resolve to change
> ourhabits before we become another unnecessary statistic.73 & Happy
> Thanksgiving,Bill
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Jeff Embry, K3OQ
ARCI #11643, FPQRP #-696,
QRP-L # 67, NAQCC #25, ARS #1733


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