[CQ-Contest] my only way to get clublog help is here

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Wed Oct 14 15:53:15 EDT 2015

   Geez, Charlie... what in the wide, wide world of sports has one got to do
   with the other?
   Have you tried their Help Desk?  You don't need to log in to access it.
   You can try their user forum on Google Groups.
   You can try their blog
   You can try contacting G7VJR directly.  I don't have his email handy, but a
   quick search should find it.
   That's for starters.  And there are other resources.
   But do you have to slam another unrelated organization when you're asking
   for help?
   73, ron w3wn
   On 10/14/15, Charles Harpole wrote:
   Banned for years from the NJ DX reflector, my only way to reach any help is
   this site.
   Can anyone give me an email address to get my plea for help DIRECTLY to a
   human being, not a site with out of date info, I will greatly appreciate it.
   [1]hs0zcw at gmail.com
   Charly, HS0ZCW
   CQ-Contest mailing list
   [2]CQ-Contest at contesting.com


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