[CQ-Contest] Linux Logging Programs

Ulf Schneider uschneid at posteo.de
Tue Oct 20 08:17:29 EDT 2015

Hi Tim,

I've tested some linux contest loggers in Ubuntu in the past 9 years. 
None of these linux programs come anywhere close to the popular and well 
equipped Windows loggers, like Win-Test and N1MM. Because I'm using 
Win-Test for 10+ years, I gave it a try in the WINE runtime environment 
under Linux.
I wrote a short article about my experiences with some additional hints 
to get it up and running incl. TRX control, CW/PTT keying and DVK:



With the WINE runtime environment,

Am 20.10.2015 11:09 schrieb Dez Watson:
> Tim,
> I have run the contest logger Win-Test in Linux Ubuntu using the Wine 
> emulator.
> There is some documentation to help sett up Win-Test under Linux at
> the following link:
> http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/running_on_Linux
> Win-Test isn't freeware but in my opinion is worth paying the small 
> fee.
> 73 GL
> Dez, G3WW / M6W
> /
> //Are any of you using one of the *buntu linux's and KDE in your
> shack. I //just started and may have a few questions about some of the
> logging //programs ahead of the CQWW /
> /Thanks TIM/
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