[CQ-Contest] When is it OK to refuse to give out a QSO?

W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Oct 27 00:04:52 EDT 2015

I guess this is a good reason why you should record your contests.

What if any would be the penalty for working and not logging someone?

Log everything you work and don't look back.  During the contest is not 
the time to preach or give a rules lecture, etc.


On 10/26/2015 4:25 PM, Martin Pelt wrote:
> Ditto. Work the dupes and work and work all callers. Last thing we want to
> do is give a casual op or newbie to contesting a sour taste. Make it fun
> its a game!
> 73, Martin N4UU
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:43 PM, Gerry Hull <gerry at yccc.org> wrote:
>> Agreed!
>> I bet I worked 100 zero pointers this weekend.  hmm... 100 x say, 5 seconds
>> per Q = 500 seconds or 8 minutes out of 48 hours.
>> Much Ado About Nothing.
>> Work everything that calls you.  Doing anything else is bad for your score
>> and for contesting!!
>> I'm sure everyone noticed that 20 was chock full all the way up to 350.
>> On Sunday, I was chasing an IS0, and he happened to be on 13.300.
>> Some Maritime Net guy came on and started asking for Net Control Ops???
>> There were 100s of guys calling the IS0..  The guy must of heard them.
>> He just exclaimed "Those %#$%#@$ contesters!!"
>> I was outta the pile very quickly, and no net had started.  No harm done.
>> 73, Gerry W1VE  @K6ND this weekend.
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Charles Harpole <hs0zcw at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> My answer is Never Refuse.
>>> That includes dups where it is faster to work them than to explain.
>>> Includes rude who tell me to QSY.
>>> Includes those moving in .5 kc away.
>>> Includes those who have told me on Internet how stupid I am.
>>> Just includes anyone I can hear.
>>> Seems simple to me, Charly
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Tom Osborne <w7why at frontier.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hi John
>>>> I have found that if you find someone that you are familiar with, that
>>>> helps if you explain it's a mult for you.  Last year I worked a zone 3
>>>> station for a double mult on 20 and they didn't log it and I got busted
>>> for
>>>> a NIL as I never worked another W station in zone 3 because I thought I
>>> had
>>>> it in the log..
>>>> I worked  W5PR this year on 10 close to the end and he couldn't believe
>>> he
>>>> was a double mult for me.  He showed up green in my bandmap so I called
>>> him
>>>> and thankfully, he went ahead and worked me and gave me the exchange.
>> I
>>>> was a zero point for him but he really helped me.  73
>>>> Tom W7WHY
>>>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:03 AM, John W <xnewyorka at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> As I type this, I am sitting here fuming mad and deliberating on
>>> whether
>>>>> to keep plugging away in the CQWW SSB contest or just shut off the PC
>>> and
>>>>> radio.    Blessed with three young children (two toddlers and an
>>>> infant), I
>>>>> have extremely little time for radio these days. So I am doing a VERY
>>>> part
>>>>> time effort in the contest, yet still trying to maximize my score for
>>> the
>>>>> few hours I can put in.
>>>>> It is Sunday morning. My wife is napping with the baby, and I have
>>> gotten
>>>>> the kids set up in front of the TV with their favorite show and I can
>>>>> finally sit down at the radio without interruption.  I have made
>> only a
>>>> few
>>>>> QSOs so far on 15m this weekend.  I just looked all over the band for
>>>> Zones
>>>>> 3 and 4.  I found K5TR calling CQ, waited until he had nobody else
>>>> calling
>>>>> him, and made a quick call, saying "W2ID for the mult".  He quickly
>>>> replied
>>>>> "W2ID 59 4", I gave the report and logged the qso and mult. QSO made
>>> and
>>>>> logged, all in less than 3 seconds. Thank you!
>>>>> Tuned around some more, and some more, and finally found N7DD for
>> zone
>>> 3.
>>>>> Excited, I waited a few minutes until he had no callers, and then
>> gave
>>> a
>>>>> quick call just as I did with K5TR.  Instead of replying with the
>>>> expected
>>>>> "W2ID 59 3", he replied with "It's a little too late in the contest
>> for
>>>>> that.  Go find a VE."   I was completely speechless, and couldn't
>> even
>>>>> think of a reply before he called CQ again.  Then I replied with
>> "I'll
>>>>> remember that in Sweepstakes."  He snarled back with "Yeah, you do
>>> that."
>>>>> So not only will I remember it in Sweepstakes, so will everybody else
>>> who
>>>>> reads it here.
>>>>> Now I have spent enough time typing this that I could have made at
>>> least
>>>>> 15 QSOs, which would have more than compensated for the lost
>>> multiplier.
>>>>> Wondering whether I should go try and find another zone 3, or just go
>>> and
>>>>> watch Bob the Builder with my kids instead. At least they will take a
>>> few
>>>>> seconds out of their favorite TV show to talk to me...
>>>>> 73 & GL all (except N7DD that is),
>>>>> JohnW2ID
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>>> --
>>> Charly, HS0ZCW
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