[CQ-Contest] Contest station automation

Guy Molinari guy_molinari at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 27 16:49:18 EDT 2015

Hello fellow contesters,     I've been thinking about how to automate my station even more and help eliminate some of the missteps that can occur at 2am when I am really sleepy.    Also, anyone building a contest station knows how damn expensive copper has become.    So in the ham spirit I started working on some WiFi based antenna switching hardware.    Also, given how cheap LCD TFT touch screens are becoming I decided to incorporate a highly customizable UI into the mix.    Here is a video of my efforts to date:
If this is of interest, please contact me at molinariguy at gmail.com
Would be great to get someone with a large station to try this out.
73,Guy, N7ZG 		 	   		  

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