[CQ-Contest] Link to PJ2T CQWW SSB Crew Photo

Geoff Howard ghoward at kent.edu
Wed Oct 28 12:55:11 EDT 2015


See: http://www.pj2t.org/ccc/GSH27650.JPG

Photo: Jack (N4RV)  Rick (N0YY)  Andrea (IK7YTT)  Dave (VA7AM)  Heiko 
(DK3DM) Geoff (W0CG, PJ2DX)  Uli (DL8OBQ)  John (N4QQ)  Adam (W1ASB)

This is the gang that made lots of noise from PJ2T this weekend. 
Photo is from the rental house not long after the contest. This was 
our first operation with the totally rebuilt PJ2T shack and antenna 
switching system. Everything worked 100% perfectly.

Check it all out on Facebook: pj2tcuracao.  In a month we transformed 
the shack from a dark, prehistoric cave to a bright and beautiful and 
modern station, starting with a new white tile floor, cleaning and 
total repainting of the room, construction of new operating desks 
designed and built in Iowa by N0YY and shipped to Curacao for 
assembly, and a new sophisticated pushbutton antenna switching 
system, the heart of which is three Array Solutions 8 x 4 switch 
matrices and 13 controllers.

We had four European language guys (W1ASB is by birth from Poland). 
This is a great help on SSB for sure. And N4RV also speaks fluent Virginian.

Special thanks to IK7YTT who made the monster trip from his office in 
China to be with us for the week. We're also indebted to N0YY for 
serving as the lead for this on-the-air operation.

This was not a big enough crew, nor did we have enough gear 
configured, to do a proper Multi/Multi, but we sure had fun and gave 
the new antenna switching system a super workout.

Thanks for the QSOs, see you on the CW weekend.


         - Geoff, W0CG / PJ2DX, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

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