[CQ-Contest] Gauge of Radial Wire

KU7Y ku7y.cw at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 11:26:38 EDT 2015

One time several years and QTH's ago I had a few thousand feet of very small
enamel coated wire.  Must have been about number 32 or so.

I used that for radials on my 40m phased verticals in Idaho and a few years
later on a single 24' vertical in NV.  In both cases I used about 40+

That 24' pipe is what I used to work VK0IR with 100w on 40m.

So I'd say the small wire will work just fine.  It helps to not really
understand how antennas work because then you can just use whatever you have
and at least think you're doing things right!  :-)

OK, back in my hole,

Ron, KU7Y
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
Northern California Contest Club
Silver Springs, NV
ku7y at qsl.net

> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> Widelitz
> Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2015 2:45 AM
> To: 'cq-contest reflector'
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Gauge of Radial Wire
> Does the gauge of radial wire on the ground make much difference in
> performance of the ground system.
> I have a reel of 1000' of 12 conductor telephone wire. Each conductor is
> very thin, but that is 12,000' of radials. Should I use it for radials?
> 73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT
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