[CQ-Contest] Thanks to RAEM contest committee and R4IT

Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Mon Sep 21 04:19:18 EDT 2015

It finally happened and totally unexpected. My first real wooden plaque for a DX contest, from a DX contest sponsor, wrapped in DX plastic with many DX stamps.

I seem to have made the best score in the very enjoyable RAEM contest 2014 for the BeNeLux. Thus I won me a special plaque sponsored by R4IT for which I am very grateful. After 
many domestic plaques and a two inch stack of 'country winner' certificates, my goal was to finally nail, screw or glue a real DX plaque to the wall. Hallelujah!

Thank you Russian friends of the RAEM contest and R4IT in particular. You made me an even happier, dare I say 'more complete' contester   ;o)

73 de Franki ON5ZO / OQ5M

PS watch out CQ WW guys, I might be on a roll  HI

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