[CQ-Contest] cqcontest.net
w2lc at twcny.rr.com
w2lc at twcny.rr.com
Tue Apr 5 13:29:52 EDT 2016
Somebody said: “There is another option... ..., we could merge SO and SOA into one and remove all confusion. There could be an overlay category for the guys who want to compare themselves to other "classic" ops”
My comments
I have no desire to be assisted or be listed with those who are
I have no interest in skimmer, RBN, spots or whatever while contesting
And I do not want to compete against those who use those technologies
Therefore if SO and SOA are merged, I probably will not operate your contest
Or if I do operate you won’t get a log from me, I've done that
Things getting me to turn OFF my radio more often:
1) No SO class in your contest
2) Exact frequencies (cannot do this with the SW I use, and I am not switching to N1MM, I tried it and it doesn’t suit me, sorry)
a. And please do not lecture me on SW options. I use what I use because it suits me better than other SW that I have tried
3) Audio recordings. Well I suppose I could do that, but I do not see a need for it
4) 5 day log deadlines that serve little or no purpose (make it 7 days and I'll be happier, i.e. include the following weekend)
5) Rules that dictate what software you must use, or rather what software you cannot use to meet some of the above
6) Packet pile-ups, good and bad on this one
7) Non-IDers, counting on others to ID for them (spot them)
8) The insistence of assisted ops wanting to merge unassisted and assisted together. Why do you care if there is an unassisted category?
9) Reading this reflector gets tiring or maybe I'm getting "HANSified"
10) Hans said: "I don't trash your chosen category. Why is it necessary to denigrate those with preferences that don't match yours"?
Hans I'm mystified too, I/we just don't get it apparently. BTW I made a grammar edit to your comment, OCD
11) And yes I am an engineer that has no interest in skimmer, RBN and the like. Fine with me if you like those but for contesting I'll pass on those
73 Scott W2LC, grumpy old guy in training
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