[CQ-Contest] cqcontest.net

Ed Sawyer sawyered at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 6 10:29:41 EDT 2016

Randy - K5ZD made some very interesting points in this dialog:


"I made no assertion about one style of operating being better or worse than


Comment - Then let's stop listing the winners of the unassisted before the
assisted.  Reverse it to kill this concern.  I doubt highly that any
unassisted competitor cares who is discussed first vs last. I know I don't.
It is implied that the most important is listed first and people notice


"The CQWW committee spent 240+ man hours this year trying to identify single
ops that used spotting without claiming assisted.  The ARRL probably spent 0
hours on this.  So perhaps that is the solution.  Ignore the cheating and
let the categories grow together organically."


Comment - Amen.  When and where was it written that there was some enormous
burden of CQWW to go over the top on finding cheaters in one particular
element and then "cry uncle" because its too hard, too much work, and
underfunded.  Just stop.  The cheating is way worse on power anyway and that
is completely unenforced.  I for one am totally comfortable with letting the
2 categories grow organically and letting the competitors put in the man
hours to find the cheaters.  Sign me up for a portion of that.


"The main motivation for cheating is because the SO category is considered
more ?prestigious?.  If both were combined, that motivation is removed."


Comment - There are 2 ways to alleviate tension - one is to lower the
perceived prestigious category and the other is raise the perceived less
prestigious category.  Raise up the assisted so the "masses" are no longer
motivated to cheat to be in the "old fashioned class".  In fact rename it -
Traditional and Pro or something to just kill this.  Situation solved for
the unassisted side.  The assisted can deal with the unattended robots that
result - but that's their issue to police in their class.


With full respect,


Ed  N1UR



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