[CQ-Contest] SO2R

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Wed Apr 6 18:16:48 EDT 2016

You're both right.  If the second radio is used for S&P, even a good SO2R
operator will only add a few percent more QSOs.  But, if both radios are
running and interleaving QSOs, a good SO2R operator can significantly
increase the QSO count.

Dual-CQing can't achieve the same SO1R rate on each radio, but the overall
rate of both radios can be quite a bit higher than just one.  It all depends
on the conditions of the two bands and the incoming rates.

Whether the SO2R advantage is finding mults or increasing QSO count depends
on the specific situation and the operator (choice and skill).


John KK9A wrote

I used to also believe this but it is incorrect. Look how many 2nd radio
QSOs N6MJ made in CQWW CW.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no8nGGa99cE

John KK9A

Steve N2IC wrote:

SO2R has a very small effect on the number of QSO's made in a contest. The
number of 2nd radio QSO's I make in major contests is always less than 10%
of the total number of QSO's. The primary advantage of SO2R is finding
multipliers, not QSO's.

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