[CQ-Contest] How to make WRTC more like the Olympics?
Jim Brown
k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Aug 19 16:11:06 EDT 2016
My point is that the op who qualifies is going to choose the partner who
he/she believes will make the team most competitive, taking into account
their personal compatibility. Most competitors are members of contest
clubs, or know other good contesters. It's FAR more than "bring a friend."
Looking at it another way, how would you like to be automatically paired
with someone you don't like, can't get along with, or whose skills don't
match? And there are also TECHNICAL skills -- most teams bring their
own radios, interconnect, logging, and control setups, etc.
I think most of us agree that geographical factors are a far greater
issue in who gets to be there.
And, of course, there's also the matter of the stations that are
available to these operators, and their financial resources to buy,
build, rent, or fly to a great station, especially for the dozen or so
qualifying contests. That requires deep pockets as well as skill. I'm
never going to be good enough to compete at WRTC, but I could turn in a
far better score operating from W6NL, K6XX or N6RO than from my own
station. But I also know that all three of those guys are far better
operators than I am. :)
73, Jim K9YC
On Fri,8/19/2016 12:45 PM, Radio KØHB wrote:
> My point, Jim, is that EVERY person who competes in WRTC should have
> earned that seat based on their own performance, not based on being
> well-connected with some other person. Since topic line is “more like
> the Olympics”, I point out that the Olympic qualifications do not have
> a “bring a friend” category of entrant.
> 73, de Hans, KØHB
> "Just a boy and his radio"™
> *From: *Jim Brown <mailto:k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> *Sent: *Friday, August 19, 2016 6:11 PM
> *To: *cq-contest at contesting.com <mailto:cq-contest at contesting.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [CQ-Contest] How to make WRTC more like the Olympics?
> On Fri,8/19/2016 5:31 AM, steve.root at culligan4water.com wrote:
> > I agree with Hans and others who have pointed out that half the
> field is comprised of "best friends" who didn't necessariy qiualify
> for anything. That's unfair and just plain wrong.
> Not quite -- the op who HAS qualified is going to pick a very well
> qualified op to be a member of his/her team, and is going to choose from
> those he knows.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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