[CQ-Contest] K9YC, WRTC, deep pockets

Mike Ritz w7vo at comcast.net
Sat Aug 20 11:28:00 EDT 2016

You are spot on, Doug. If you look at just about any of the professional sports teams, (or even the Olympics), WRTC (for the most part) is not much different. The guys with the most resources (take that to mean financial backing) are usually on top. That does not make watching the events they produce any less entertaining. 

To me, WRTC is for ham radio to showcase the "best of the best", and yes, that means that most of the competitors have substantial financial backing that got them there. That does not make the competition itself any less entertaining, just like watching a Formula One race, or the Olympics. 

The purpose of WRTC is to showcase talent on a level playing field, just like the Olympics. How they got there is really immaterial, other than a storyline provided when the little guy wins. 

If you want to win big in just about any team sport you have to put up however many big bucks it takes to get there, plus have the talent and dedication get the job done. WRTC is, and should be, no different. 


----- Original Message -----

From: kr2q at optimum.net 
To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 5:43:00 AM 
Subject: [CQ-Contest] K9YC, WRTC, deep pockets 

K9YC said: 
As I have said, the far greater problems are those related to geography 
and the huge advantage to those with the deepest pockets. 

KR2Q sez: 
Yes, I agree. I's that way in contesting. It's that way in everything. 

Scar (Lion King) sez: 
Life's not fair, is it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMzPsOy-pe4 

If a more equitable way can be found and implemented, go for it. Interesting discussion. 
I still like Ranko's thoughts on on-site inspections during "qualifying" competitions...if only 
the contest sponsors had the necessary resources. 

de Doug KR2Q 

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