[CQ-Contest] Cheating

Bill Parry bparry at rgv.rr.com
Wed Aug 24 10:23:34 EDT 2016


I think most of us have had enough of your diatribes. Move on!

Bill W5VX

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of David Gilbert
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 12:54 AM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Cheating

Fine for you to defend your friends, Hans, and you may be right.

But you've gone over into some stark raving fantasy world when you claim that 99.99% of contesters don't cheat.  There isn't any segment of humanity anywhere that honest, and I find it hilarious that anybody would think that hams are somehow more honest than the average human.  
Studies, tests, and observations over decades by LOTS of different sociologists prove that you aren't even close in your opinion.  Deny it all you want, but humans are wired to seek every advantage they can in almost all situations, and it is only our learned behavior boundaries that hold us back from breaking rules.

In real life people lie, they cheat, they dishonor, they fudge ... to one degree or another depending upon the situation.  And that's out in the open with real stakes involved.  What on earth makes you think that an essentially random slice of the population (ham radio contesters) operating with almost zero external scrutiny in an event with virtually no jeopardy is going to magically be different??

And for heaven's sake quit with the neighborhood crap.  Absolutely none of my comments bear any relation to any contester I know because my comments derive from reading I've done on the subject and observations I've made during my 69 years on this earth involving people I've met in over 30 countries.

It would be interesting for someone to create a truly anonymous survey of active contesters with the simple question "in all of your years of contesting, can you honestly claim that you've never knowingly violated any rule, no matter how trivial?"  One of us is going to be very surprised by the result.

Dave   AB7E

On 8/23/2016 2:39 PM, Radio K0HB wrote:
> My "neighborhood" of contesting and DX'ing friends are guys like NAT, 
> WGJ, K4IU, KMPH, etc.
> There is NOBODY in that group, and hundreds more that I know now, and 
> have known over my 50-some years in DX and Radio-sporting, that I can 
> imagine being outside the rules, even just a smidgen.
> The interminable jeremiads crying "cheat" on CQ-Contest, mostly by 
> noted hams whose credentials I otherwise admire, is loutish and 
> Ill-mannered. It insults the community of hams, 99.99% of who play by the rules.
> If you know a cheater, well then turn him in; but don't condone the 
> widespread internet trashing of hams in general. We are better than that.
> Your neighborhood may vary.
> 73, HB

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