[CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Tue Aug 30 19:07:42 EDT 2016



Good to see you active. Want to do better?

You may wish to start following some advice given to you in the past couple

I am not typing this sarcastically.

I believe I (and others) have mentioned 3830scores.com


Use it !


I won't answer your other questions.  I think I gave you a ream of sage
advice a couple weeks ago.


Mike VE9AA



Hi All:


I participated in the Ohio QSO Party on saturday, had a lot of fun doing it

too. Conditions were not spectacular, but solid - had a lot of QSOs out

toward kansas etc on 20m. Here is the break down of my scores


Band QSOs Pts Mul

3.5.   13.      13.  11

7.       16.      16.  11

14.     17.      17.  8

28.     1.         1.    1

Total 47.       47.   31

Score: 1,457


The propagation was interesting, 80 meters for instate stuff, 40 for some

instate, and near state, and 20 started on an arc from North Dakota, to

kansas to florida. 15 and 10 were for the most part a vast barren wasteland


What I would like to know now is how to learn PROPERLY from my results

(small though they are). I know a lot of guys do some log analysis and

things like that to help themselves along, and I think I have a couple log

analysis programs installed on my computer (i'll be looking shortly) but

I'm NOT sure how to properly do it, or how to utilize what falls out of the

program. I'm "re-beginning" my contesting career, and want to do it right

this time. Thanks for all the help and input already, looking forward to



Hope you guys all had fun as well, I am planning to play either in the TN

QSO Party, or the Russian WW DX RTTY contest on this coming Saturday.




See you on the bands





Tim Holmes - W8TAH


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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