[CQ-Contest] Thing that drive me nuts

David Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Mon Dec 5 11:30:53 EST 2016

I've been contesting for 40+ years and I've never felt that sending 
"test" at the end of a contest CQ has ever hurt my rate. Is it 
absolutely necessary?  No...but I do think that it helps to attract more 
of the casual operators by making the intent of my transmission clear.

I've read the comments in this thread and while there are no shortage of 
opinions, I saw no compelling arguments.  Therefore I will continue to 
format my contest CQs in a manner which my experience has shown results 
in the best rate for me, not for some hotshot with an itchy F4 finger 
who MIGHT happen to be tuning by.

The thing which drives me nuts are the lids that start sending their 
call before I've finished sending.  My xcvr switches back to receive and 
the station calling me is already sending the second digit of his call.  
This is not a CW VOX delay problem as my CW PTT is controlled by the 
computer which releases simultaneously with the last CW element. (Yes, 
I'm a retired engineer and wrote my own logging software so I KNOW 
that's how it works.)


other: 2XYZ
me:    2XYZ?
other: 2XYZ
me:    ?2XYZ
other: 2XYZ
other: N2XYZ

Disclaimer - the callsign N2XYZ is shown simply as an example.  No doubt 
the station was simply trying to get the QSO done quickly, but he's 
killing his own rate.  Doing it on the initial call might be a simple 
timing mistake, but doing it over and over (I am not exaggerating about 
this) shows a lack of situational awareness on the part of the other op.

Establishing and completing communication is at the core of contesting.  
This requires more that just a fast keyer speed and transmitting without 
a sense of timing...

FWIW...just my humble opinion.

Dave K8CC

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