[CQ-Contest] signing TEST at the end...not so bad

DXer hfdxmonitor at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 17:12:22 EST 2016

Not for me. I was just being politically correct, inclusive, equal 
opportunity, yada yada, as it appears to be a serious issue for some.

As I wrote earlier, long CQs, and the pico second window to answer them 
before another round of CQs is much more annoying than TEST at the end.

I don't know if it is really the case, or just a coincidence, but 
another annoyance appears to be 'dueling' CQs by people that are not up 
to speed yet with the technique. I understand that practice in a real 
situation is required, just saying. :^)

73 de Vince, VA3VF

On 2016-12-05 4:12 PM, brian coyne wrote:
>>>> I don't think signing TEST at the end is such a big problem.
> Is it really any kind of problem?

> 73  Brian 5B4AIZ / C4Z.

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