[CQ-Contest] Stew Perry no packet

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sun Dec 18 17:46:41 EST 2016

W0MU says:


".Unfortunately, this contest also dumps SO packet into a class with
multiops. Their contest their rul       ."


VE9AA replies:

Mike - thanks for the Q last night.  Not sure how you found me w/o packet.


Your statement above is not true.


Nowhere in the Stew Perry rules does it say that a single op with packet
magically becomes a Multi Op.

In fact, if you carefully read the rules, it even discourages multi ops from
using packet ! ! !





It's fairly ironic that I posted a very similar message apparently at the
same time as you (without ever having read yours).


I have snipped a few pieces from the rules and pasted them below, but you
can read the entire rules at the link above.


"If you are single-op - we intend for you to not be assisted by other humans

   during the event.  Any communication with humans other than the exchanges

   that take place over the air can be assistance.  Obviously, you can ask

   your wife to bring you a sandwich - and say hello to an old friend who 

   happens to call in.  But - if the assistance starts to do things like 

   telling you that VK6VZ is on 1829.3 kHz, then that is going too far."


"So - packet spotting is right out."


"If you are multi-op, you can get assistance from other humans in your

   shack.  We still do not want to encourage the use of packet during the

   contest, so would rather you not do that."


Note, it does not say "if you are one person using packet this automatically
makes you a multi-op and therefore even though we discourage using packet,
it's OK for you to do so"

(again, it does NOT say that)


Again, I would suggest that the BoringARC, Lew and Tree make this
distinction for those of you so engrained with ARRL rules that you believe
they apply to other contests.


Mike VE9AA 

Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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