[CQ-Contest] Observations of a Young Ham
Pierre Fogal
pierre.fogal at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 15:14:40 EST 2016
Hi Mike,
I do mostly SSB at this point. Hopefully the CW will come back to
something usable. I was off the air for 10 years after moving back to
Canada. I was also a '0' out of Colorado.
I know I am one of many in the same boat. I ain't complaining. I do it
because I enjoy it and part of the cachet for me is to beat better equipped
operators on the occasional qso either by listening better or by getting
lucky. :-) I would never expect someone to assemble, or having done so make
use of, less than what they could just to even the field for me.
I've a few times lived in the pile-up from NA-008 and NA-043, so I have had
a taste of high-intensity, and great respect for those that do so
routinely. If everyone had that experience, they'd be more orderly! If I
did get spotted I might have the occasional 30-40 per hour rate which would
make it all more fun.
Pierre VE3KTB, KC0IGY, sometimes VY0ERC
> Pierre,
>> Are you not getting spotted on CW or SSB or both.
>> I have noticed that people are far more reluctant to spot on SSB. Maybe
> we have just got lazy because RBN spots pretty much everything on CW for
> us. You know you can test your signals and look on the RBN to see what
> nodes heard you. I use this to test new antennas and compare the
> results as best I can.
>> Your story and what you can or cannot put up is a common story and is
> becoming more common. Almost all new housing areas have HOA's or
> restrictions, which makes if far more difficult for hams to find ham
> radio property close to their office or area where they desire to live.
> Maybe we need to have more classes or create a class that is a base
> system of a 100 watt radio and a vertical or dipoles no more than 50 ft
> in the air or similar. Yes I know that CQ has an overlay. In my mind
> overlays are like a tie or kissing your system to use some cliches.
> Obviously the guy in Maine with the same setup is most likely going to
> beat the same setup in Minnesota for CQ WW but maybe not in NAQP or SS
> or some other non DX contest. We will never get to a completely level
> playing field but how close can we get in non WRTC events?
>> W0MU
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