[CQ-Contest] The new era of Hamradio contests; win a cash prize

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Mon Feb 1 20:12:52 EST 2016

Legalities aside, why would you want to award the top tier of station owners
(the guy that wins most of the big contests) with money? (money they don't
even NEED)

Almost w/o exception, the fellas breaking records and winning most of the
big contests are already the wealthiest among us.

(and therefore have multi tower stacked antennas, 4 squares on the low
bands, hilltop acreages or seaside resorts , 10k radios, racks of alphas,
1-5/8ths heliax, etc.

or uber rare Island QTH's)


This would just be another case of the rich getting richer, as it were.


I stand to be corrected..but show me an "average joe" , 30yrs old with young
family on a postage stamp city lot winning all the contests.


I vote emphatically NO !


Mike VE9AA

Keswick Ridge, NB


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