[CQ-Contest] Key Clicks in ARRL DX CW

John E Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Tue Feb 23 09:55:58 EST 2016

On Feb 23, 2016, at 07:31, Barry N1EU <n1eu.barry at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's
> absolutely ridiculous (and untenable) that a station can plop down 300hz
> away from me because he doesn't hear key clicks from my clean transmitter
> and he ends up ruining my run and forcing me to QSY.  Absolutely
> unacceptable.

That may be, but it’s a fact of life and one we just have to live with (at least for now). I wound up moving several times last weekend for just that very reason.

There *is* another advantage of the P3, though. If I have to move, the P3 makes it much easier to find another frequency clear enough to select, so moving frequency is much less a hardship than it used to be.

There are probably a number of stations who were working on 15 meters on Sunday, wondering about finding me calling CQ on two or three different frequencies as they moved up the band. For a little while, I was having to move that often, but staying there and fighting for the frequency is a self-defeating choice.


John K8AJS
jbastin at sssnet.com

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