[CQ-Contest] Ohio is now West Coast - rebuttal

donovanf at starpower.net donovanf at starpower.net
Mon Feb 29 20:16:04 EST 2016

Hi Ed, 

The efficiency of a horizontally polarized antenna over salt water 
or a salt marsh improves by one dB or less compared to the same 
antenna over fertile farm soil in a flat (or nearly flat) Fresnel Zone. 
Even desert soil degrades the performance of horizontally polarized 
antennas by only a few dB. 

On the other hand, salt water significantly improves the efficiency 
of vertically polarized antennas particularly at low elevation angles 
but only if most of the antenna's Fresnel Zone is over salt water or 
a salt marsh. Only a few U.S. contesters have vertically polarized 
antennas in or at the edge of a salt marsh or salt water such as 
K1DG (at his Maine QTH), W1KM and K3ZM. 

When K3LR and W3LPL are working Europe, the most important 
factor is the MUF at our first ionospheric reflection points at 
roughly 60 degrees magnetic latitude over eastern Canada. 
Coincidentally 60 degrees magnetic latitude is a region of high 
interest to ionospheric scientists, including PVRC's N3HBX who 
wrote a scientific paper about his research into ionospheric 
behavior at that latitude when he worked at MIT's Haystack 
Observatory researching a well known (to ionospheric scientists) 
phenomenon known as the m id-latitude i onospheric t rough or 
simply the Mid-Latitude Trough. 

For any propagation path to Europe, K3LR's ionospheric 
reflection is about 200 miles northwest of W3LPL's reflection 
point in the immediate vicinity of the mid-latitude trough. While 
the trough isn't present every night, it is present very frequently 
and it causes significantly lowering of the MUF over a distance 
of just a few hundred miles to the north as dusk approaches 
eastern Canada. The reduced MUF to Europe steadily becomes 
more severe during the night until the trough suddenly disappears 
as sunrise illuminates the ionosphere as it approaches eastern 

Those interested in exploring this phenomenon can Google 
"mid-latitude trough" and "magnetic latitude" 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Ed Sawyer" <sawyered at earthlink.net> 
To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 5:56:25 PM 
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Ohio is now West Coast - rebuttal 

Arguing the "West Coast" is not NM is no different than calling W1 just W1. 

W1 and W2 are equally as capable in the DX contests to win, it depends on 
where you are in W1 or W2. And the area is not homogenous in capability. 
W1WMU, K8PO, K1DG, K1ZM, and W1KM are all within the Fresnel zone of salt 
water or salt march to EU. There are equally great areas in W2 and all the 
way down to K3ZM's location that define as much a universe within W1, W2, W3 
as NM vs CA. 

As a W1 that is 50 miles from the Canadian border and literally 350 miles in 
the EU direction from salt water, I can tell you that W1 is NOT all the 

Don't get me wrong, its better to EU than W6/7, but I drool listening to the 
saltwater stations run loud and early just like you do listening to W1 in 
general. There are time when it matters BIG and times when it doesn't 
matter as much. 

K3LR's more northern path to EU vs W3LPL was "just enough" with disturbed 
conditions that I witnessed much further north than them to change the game 
on K3LR. 

Broad brushing conclusions is not a wise idea. 


Ed N1UR 

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