[CQ-Contest] Your Call? --> QSY?

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Mon Feb 29 18:53:58 EST 2016

Depends on the contest.  I asked Nate, N4YDU in the NC QP last night to "QSY
to SSB" and he was running on 80m CW.  I worked him there on CW, then
listened to him CQ 2-3 times w/ no answers..

Nate is a sharp enough guy that I am pretty sure he knew when I sent "SSB?"
that it was me asking and as a VE9, I was more than likely a mult for him.
For 10-12 seconds of effort, we both had new mults.


Depends on the situation.


Conversely, if it was TK4MH running a huge pileup in CQWW CW, I would never
dream to ask him to QSY.


If I am running and a rare mult calls me, I'll either QSY per their request,
work them on my one radio, (or 2nd radio if I am SO2R)


If I am asked (regardless if Run or S&P) and cannot do it for whatever
reason, I usually just say "SRI" instead of no response.  Seems more polite

the stn at least knows I heard them.  Could be any # of reasons a QSY cannot
be made.


Sometimes those same stations will ask me later, and I can do a QSY..whether
they remember, have made a note, or know me, I cannot say, but I do get
asked from time to time depending on the contest and

if I am able, it's as easy as typing the frequency in the callsign box in
N1MM and sometimes rotating an antenna switch.  Sharp ops can be in/out/done
in a matter of 7-10 seconds.  Running LP lately makes this easier as

no amps to fiddle with.




Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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