[CQ-Contest] Absurd Rule in NAQP

Richard F DiDonna NN3W richnn3w at verizon.net
Sun Jan 17 17:44:48 EST 2016

Count me amongst the pool that would not prefer to see an assisted class 
in NAQP.  Every contest does not have to look like the others and have 
100 categories like the others.  I prefer the "simplicity" of NAQP.

73 Rich NN3W

On 1/17/2016 2:02 PM, Steve London wrote:
> On 01/17/2016 09:24 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
>> The real question is how much better could it be doing?
> Please define "better" ?
> The activity level in both NAQP CW and NAQP SSB is already very high. 
> You never run out of folks to work in NAQP. Increase the level of 
> activity more, and the QRM level will just make it unpleasant for 
> everyone. I present CQWW SSB, 15, 20 and 40 meters as good examples of 
> "better" not necessarily being "better".
> Pete, it's too bad that you didn't have a working radio over the past 
> two weekends to experience NAQP in its current form.
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC
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