[CQ-Contest] Why do they contest?

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 11:40:25 EDT 2016

"While it's true that some operate the CQ WW for fun knowing they never
will have a chance to win I believe that most contestants are trying for
the coveted plaque."

I doubt that "most", by a long shot, for all contests.  For example,
consider K3LR's 2,969 claimed QSOs on 15M in last ARRL DX SSB.  Surely,
only a small fraction of those felt they had a chance to win any category.

Yes, those are all non-W/VE (except for the few who did not get the word).
But I think this holds worldwide: Most of the little guys are in it for the
fun, including maybe to increase their DXCC (or WAS) count.

I have known some "I wouldn't enter if I didn't think I could win" types.
They seem not to realize that if their view prevailed, then the contest
would have about 100 entrants, and they seem unaware of how dependent they
are on the little guys to fill their logs.

(Aside: This reflects my feeling about Sprint: not for the little guy. It's
mainly 100 big signals seeing who can work the largest number of each other
on three bands in four hours.  High tech, high skill?  You bet!  But for
me, not much fun.)

Realize that the participants on this Reflector are the more avid
(English-speaking) contesters.  Don't forget how much your fun -- or
chances to win, if that is what motivates you -- depend on thousands of
contesters who are satisfied with the current rules ... and they don't care
about your particular disadvantage.

And I'll again quote N6TJ (who, I believe, actually lived on the West
Coast): "If you don't like your location, move."

73, Art K3KU

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