[CQ-Contest] Dayton Hamvention

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sat Jul 30 17:30:03 EDT 2016

I love the Dayton Hamvention.  It provides eyeball QSOs to complement the
many on-the-air QSOs I've enjoyed over the years, even the truncated contest
QSOs that make up most of my logs.  It's an opportunity to chat first hand
with almost every vendor associated with our hobby.  The Flea Market is
"interesting" no matter what one's interest might be.  And, there are a
number of Forums that I find inspiring and informative.

I especially love the hundreds of DARA volunteers who contribute tremendous
time and effort each year, for decades running.  I am amazed each year that
they keep on pulling off this great event.  I'm not aware of any other group
of volunteers that could execute the Hamvention better than DARA has been
doing, year after year.

Sure, I can find fault in specific Hamvention details or with the Hara Arena
condition, but all of that is insignificant compared to the many positive
aspects of Hamvention.  For those who see it the other way around ... stay

DARA is to be (once again) congratulated and appreciated for thinking ahead
and having a contingency location in mind.  We should be sincerely thanking
them for evolving over a half century to provide this annual ham radio
event, despite the inevitable obstacles that emerge, e.g., losing the
historic venue location. 

Ron Cramer was absolutely correct.  "You can't have a Dayton Hamvention in
Las Vegas, Nevada."


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