[CQ-Contest] Flex 6300 in low power RTTY contests; Maestro

Ktfrog007 at aol.com Ktfrog007 at aol.com
Thu Jun 2 09:28:34 EDT 2016

I would like to hear from anyone who has used a Flexradio  6300 barefoot at 
100w in low power RTTY contesting, especially if you run a  lot.
The reason is some of the reviews in eHam.net mention  the 6300 has 
overheating problems.  
I would want to use it for extended, heavy duty RTTY contest  activity.
I'm not concerned about fan noise.

I'd also like to know about anyone's experience with the  Maestro 
interface.  I kneed knobs.
Thanks & 73,
Ken,  AB1J

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