[CQ-Contest] Early DX'ing and contesting

Dave Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Jun 7 08:48:19 EDT 2016

Bill Leonard W2SKE (SK) wrote an article for Sports Illustrated in 1958 about operating multi multi at K2GL.  I have a printed copy. I seem to recall it may be on the K8CX web site. If there is an article about giants walking the bands I would like to have it.
73 Dave K4JRB  

-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom Haavisto <kamham69 at gmail.com>
>Sent: Jun 6, 2016 2:29 PM
>To: Tom Osborne <w7why at frontier.com>
>Cc: CQ Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
>Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Early DX'ing and contesting
>I don't seem to be able to find it on the WWROF site, but there was a
>webniar of "When the Giants Walked the Bands", or something close to that.
>It was about the early days of multi-multi contesting.
>Paper logs, pencils, people smoking in the shack...  Hand keying all CW...
>All from days gone by.
>Tom - VE3CX
>On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Tom Osborne <w7why at frontier.com> wrote:
>> Past CQ-Contest magazines had some articles about early contesting and
>> DX'ing history written by Jan Perkins.  It had some really interesting
>> stuff.
>> Are there any books out there on the history of early day contesting and
>> DX'ing.  I read 200 Meters and Down and it was a pretty good read.
>> I would like to read some stories about how they contested and did it back
>> in the day.
>> Thanks and 73
>> Tom W7WHY
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