[CQ-Contest] average age of 2016 AA contest ops?

BobK8IA at aol.com BobK8IA at aol.com
Sun Jun 26 13:14:26 EDT 2016

Check out my AOCC Reflector post, It breaksdown the ages of the 717 unique  
stations (990 total) I worked in last weekends All Asian CW Contest. It 
gives  the Number of QSO's per Age and also the country breakdown for under 40 
and  under 50 years old.
73, Bob K8IA
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 13:12:07 -0400
From: Dave Edmonds  <dave at pkministrywebs.com>
To: "cq-contest at contesting.com"  <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] average age of 2016  AA contest ops?

HI Guys,

I'm curious about the average age of the  2016 AA contest ops....I didn't
work it seriously, but I found the average to  be 52 for my small log....I
heard many 60 and 70 ops out there running... I  didn't work anyone younger
than 43. What avg age was in your log?

73s  Dave WN4AFP

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