[CQ-Contest] [WT-support] IARU HF Championship 2016 - special operating stations

George georgek5kg at aol.com
Thu Jun 30 16:49:14 EDT 2016


Since both J77HQ and J87HQ will be active in the contest, we caution 
everyone to not confuse our two call signs.  Watch out for bad cluster 

73, George, K5KG / J75KG / J77HQ

On 6/30/2016 4:40 PM, OZ0J Joe wrote:
> Dear all
> In the 2016 IARU HF Championship contest there will be some new calls
> J77HQ – code DARCI (operators K5KG, WI9WI/J79WI & W4IX/J79IX)
> J87HQ – code SVGRS (operators KE1B & W6NN)
> Z60A – code SHRAK (operators OZ1IKY, OH2BH and a few more)
> Regarding J87HQ the CORRECT code is SVGRAS but some contest logging 
> programs cannot accept codes more than 5 letters. Remember to log 
> SVGRS in the exchange file.
> Z60A is operating from Kosovo and will participate for the first time 
> ever.
> 73 Joe, OZ0J
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George Wagner, K5KG
Sarasota, FL

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