[CQ-Contest] Your DX Spots during the ARRL SSB DX Contest

Stephen Bloom sbloom at acsalaska.net
Mon Mar 7 23:42:08 EST 2016

It's easy for me to say since in most contests ..I'm a Mult that people want
..but I do think the little pistols should try running ..more than they do
..especially later in contests ..or slow times in general.  If you are
operating in an assisted class ...during CW and RTTY contests ..call CQ and
see what you hit on the Reverse Beacon Network and how strong.  Assuming you
ping anything ..call CQ for awhile ..even if you don't get instant answers.
All it takes is one spot.  It's tougher on SSB of course because you are
relying on being spotted ...but people will tune ..and again ..all it takes
is one spot.  Almost all of us are automated enough to have a Run CQ Loop.
The closest thing for me is NAQP SSB ...where we're at a real disadvantage
up here ...especially on the Low Bands ..but even then ...sooner or later
someone hears us.  I wouldn't encourage S&P only categories ...because I
think that will end up creating fewer Qs ..not more.  What I *would* suggest
is that lower power guys try running higher up in the band  ..it's what we
do up here at the times where we know everyones antenna is pointed in the
other direction.

Steve KL7SB

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Scott Ellington
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 1:18 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Your DX Spots during the ARRL SSB DX Contest

On 3/7/2016 13:59, Barry N1EU wrote:
> And I'll repeat once more:  We need an S&P only category in the major 
> dx contests!  Give folks a viable option if they choose to avoid all 
> the out-muscling, splattering/key-clicking infringement, 
> might-is-right experience of running.
It would be nice, with or without the S&P category, if there were some way
for all the S&P operators to work each other.  It gets really boring later
in the contest tuning the band over and over, hearing the same dupes.


Scott  K9MA

Scott Ellington  K9MA
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

k9ma at sdellington.us

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