[CQ-Contest] Little Pistols running (was something else)

Barry N1EU n1eu.barry at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 05:51:03 EST 2016

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 8:11 PM, Scott Ellington <k9ma at sdellington.us> wrote:

> Late in most any contest, there's clearly a lot of unproductive CQ
> activity going on, so wouldn't a way to make more productive use of that
> spectrum be desirable?  It could keep a lot of casual operators from
> getting bored and turning off their radios, as I know I often do.
> Even with the modest number of QSO's I usually have in my log by the
> second day, my runs typically peter out after a while, to the point where
> I'm lucky to be making one QSO every one or two minutes.  At that point, I
> usually go back to S&P.  If I can't find a reasonable number of new
> contacts, I bail for a while.  One tactic I'm think of trying is, when it's
> getting slow and I'm ready to quit trying to run anyway, to offer the
> frequency to one of my callers. That's as opposed to just abandoning the
> frequency, which more than likely will quickly be claimed by a big gun.  It
> won't guarantee my last caller can hold the frequency, but at least it
> gives him/her a chance.  Any suggestions on how to get that message across
> on CW? "UR FREQ"?

It would be interesting if a major ssb dx contest dared to restrict the
percentage/duration of time you could run on 40/20/15M.

73, Barry N1EU

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