[CQ-Contest] W0UN SK

Jim Breakall jimb at psu.edu
Wed May 4 23:23:30 EDT 2016

Hello All,

I just read the news from George, W0UA, and also heard about this from 
my friend, K9PG, Paul,
and this is such a shock to my system.  John has been a friend for many 
years especially his work
at Arecibo Observatory who I met many years ago.  John was a great Ham 
contester and personality but he was
also a great researcher in the ionospheric research community.  I will 
pass the word around to that
community as well, and this is really a big shock as we all prepare to 
go to Dayton.

John was such a great person and he will be missed so much by so many.

RIP our dear friend and scientific colleague John, W0UN.

This is hard to take.


James K. Breakall
Professor, Electrical Engineering

225 Electrical Engineering East
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

Tel: 814-865-2228
Fax: 814-863-8457
Cell: 814-883-6521

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